Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Dear Lady Who Stole My Wallet at Wal-Mart

I'm writing this blog post in case you decide to Google my name. I pray all is well with you, and you are being blessed. I also hope your situation is changing for the best. I would imagine that things must be rough for you. With that being said, I need to let you know that a detective contacted me from the Austin Police Department and they are working on my case. I had to file a police report because there was a piece of Federal property in my wallet that has to be replaced. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. There's a good chance that you'll get caught, since you were caught on surveillance. If you still have this, please contact me at karinaprado1111@gmail.com so I can tell you where to send it and I'll drop the charges. I know you have two little kids and they don't need their mom to be in trouble with the law. I hope you never do this again. God bless you.

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