Wednesday, May 23, 2012

No. 2 - El Diablito

Wow! Usually I struggle with creative block when I'm trying to paint. This time, it's kind of scary how easy it was to knock this Loteria card out. I've been struggling with some issues lately - and some negative feelings. I thought it would be healthy to release these feelings and work them out on canvas.

I started out with a heart to represent the place where I was experiencing the most emotion. As I thought about the things I wanted to say (or yell), I added brushstrokes and definition. I started to love the face that was emerging, because I recognized the expression. At the end of the process, I felt peaceful and healed. It was a good exercise for me. I learned that my negative feelings want to be heard, not stuffed down. The most important thing I learned through this piece is that they want to be heard by me.

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